We provide many services through our staff and greenhouse for all to take part and enjoy. From our educational workshops, charity work and fundraising programs to public speaking and providing custom potted plants or living centerpieces, Lutz Greenhouse can meet your needs. Look below for a description of all we have to offer.

Living Centerpieces/ Arrangements
Centerpieces created for special events such as weddings, graduations or showers. We will hold these arrangements for you until needed (latest date held TBA). Services only offered during months of operation.

Custom Potted Plants
Our custom container planting service is second to none. Drop your containers or window boxes off in April and we will custom plant and grow them until end of May. This service is for custom planters only. Prices vary based on material used.

Educational Workshops
There is plenty to learn from our experienced staff! Different seasonal workshops offered annualy; check updated schedules when available.

Private Garden Parties
We offer two types of private garden parties to groups and organizations with 15 or more people. Enjoy the greenhouse during evening hours all to yourself.
"Plant it and Leave it" (Offered only in April) Bring your own container or purchase one from us and learn unique ways to plant your sun and shade plants. Containers are left until the end of May, we grow them for you!
"Plant it and Take it" (Offered only in May) Our most popular party. Enjoy shopping the entire greenhouse and gift shop. Plant your container and take it home that evening!
Adult Beverages, refreshments and snacks for all may be brought to enjoy for either party.

Charity Work
Voucher program available.
Non-profit organizations sell these vouchers and receive a 20% return to be used for their cause. 501c3 validation is mandatory.
Four times each year we visit Akron Children's Hospital in Boardman for a lobby sale located in the Community Room. Be sure to stop by and show your support.